Kevin Cronister is a 14-year law enforcement veteran. He currently serves as a Detective with the Crimes Against Children Task Force in the Kansas City Metro Area. He’s also a Squad Leader for his agency’s SWAT Team.

Kevin earned his master’s degree in forensic psychology with an emphasis on sexual offenders and holds numerous certifications, such as Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiner (CCME), Cellebrite Advanced Smartphone Analyst (CASA), and the Master Presenter designation for his work presenting cyber safety topics.

He’s conducted research into the link between human trafficking and Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM – formerly referred to as Child Porn) and is a member of the Internet Crimes against Children Task Force (ICAC) where he conducts undercover investigations chatting on social media applications with child predators posing as a juvenile.

He’s married with four children and his passion for protecting his family led him to found Prudent Parent Guides, LLC.!

In Every GUide

Comprehensive Walk-Through

As technology evolves, it’s become more and more difficult for parents to fully understand the applications their children are using. We’ll take a comprehensive look at each social media platform your child could be using. This includes the features, functionality, history and evolution of the application.

How-To Tutorials

Rather than just telling you how to work these apps, we’re going to show you! Each guide contains a How-To Tutorial with images guiding you through every facet of the application and how to explore your child’s account to ensure they’re interacting in a safe way.

Case Studies

Every guide also contains a case study of a real investigation so you can fully understand the scope of the problem and what your children are facing online. This is a raw look at grooming techniques and how child predators behave when communicating with your kids!

In addition to all of this, each guide contains a step-by-step list of what you should do if your child becomes a victim!

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